We have a wealth of travel experience between the two of us having worked in the industry for a combined 20 years and specialising in cruise for the majority. No matter what cruise you are looking for we have the knowledge and expertise to help you find the cruise that is perfect for you. We have no allegiance to specific cruise lines so you can rely on us for impartial advice and to find you the right cruise and not just the easiest cruise for us. We have previously worked doing tailor made land packages so we are equally as comfortable helping you in your land holiday enquires also.
Anthem Of The Seas - we were lucky enough to be invited on the launch and it was amazing. Great memories!
Alaska - looks incredible!
Reasons to book with GoCruise & Travel
Independent and unbiased advice
First-hand knowledge and expertise
Personalised service
Financial protection through ABTA and ATOL bonding
A proud history in the travel market
No hidden charges and fees
One of the UK’s Premier Cruise Agencies
Book with Confidence. Bonded by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) and by the Civil Aviation Authority's Air Travel Organisers Licensing (ATOL) scheme, you can look forward to your next adventure with the peace of mind that your money is financially protected in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Check our ABTA membership
For your financial protection and to reassure you of our operating standard we are full members of CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), ABTA (The Association of British Travel Agents) and act as agents for ATOL holders. Please be aware that GoCruise & Travel are acting solely as your booking agent, subject to which all bookings are accepted.
Any travel or destination is copyright of its respective owners. Fred. Olsen Travel trading as GoCruise & Travel are not responsible for 3rd party content. Destination and travel advice is subject to change and inaccuracies.
© Copyright 2022 GoCruise & Travel and Fred. Olsen Travel
Registered in England and Wales No. 02287241. 2nd Floor, 36 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BH